
It's simple to get started and create a table!

julia> using TypedTables

julia> t = Table(a = [1, 2, 3], b = [2.0, 4.0, 6.0])
Table with 2 columns and 3 rows:
     a  b
 1 │ 1  2.0
 2 │ 2  4.0
 3 │ 3  6.0

julia> t[1]  # Get first row
(a = 1, b = 2.0)

julia> t.a  # Get column `a`
3-element Array{Int64,1}:

What is a Table?

Table is actually a Julia array type, where each element (row) is a NamedTuple. In particular:

  • Externally. a Table presents itself as an array of named tuples. That is, each row of the table is represented as one of Julia's new NamedTuples, which are easy to use and highly efficient. In subtype notation, Table <: AbstractArray{<:NamedTuple}.

  • Internally, a Table stores a (named) tuple of arrays, and is a convenient structure for column-based storage of tabular data.

Thus, manipulating data as a Table is as easy as manipulating arrays and named tuples - which is something Julia was specifically designed to make simple, efficient and fun.

Tables (and their columns) may be an AbstractArray of any dimensionality. This lets you take advantage of Julia's powerful array functionality, such as multidimensional broadcasting. Each column must be an array of the same dimensionality and size of the other columns.

Why use a Table?

Two words: productivity and speed.

TypedTables.jl aims to introduce very few concepts, with minimal learning curve to let you manipulate tabular data. The Table type is a simple wrapper over columns and presents the well-known and extremely productive AbstractArray interface. If you are familiar with arrays and named tuples, you should be able to write your data analytics with a Table.

However, it would be of little use if the data container was inherently slow, or if using the container was subject to traps and pitfalls where performance falls of a cliff if the programmer uses an otherwise-idiomatic pattern. In this case, for loops over the rows of a Table are possible at the speed of hand-written code in a statically compiled language such as C, because the compiler is fully aware of the types of each column. Thus, users can write generic functions using a mixture of hand-written loops, calls to functions such as map, filter, reduce, group and innerjoin, as well as high-level interfaces provided by packages such as Query.jl - and still obtain optimal performance.

Finally, since Table is unoppinionated about the underlying array storage (and acts more as a convenient metaprogramming layer), the arrays represent each column might have rather distinct properties - for example, supporting in-memory, out-of-core and distributed workloads (see the section on Data Representation for more details).

Creating Tables

The easiest way to create a table from columns is with keyword arguments, such as

julia> t = Table(name = ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"], age = [25, 42, 37])
Table with 2 columns and 3 rows:
     name     age
 1 │ Alice    25
 2 │ Bob      42
 3 │ Charlie  37

The constructor will equally accept a NamedTuple of columns, as Table((name = ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"], age = [25, 42, 37])) (note the extra brackets).

Also, one can easily convert the row-storage-based vector of named tuples into columnar storage using the Table constructor:

julia> Table([(name = "Alice", age = 25), (name = "Bob", age = 42), (name = "Charlie", age = 37)])
Table with 2 columns and 3 rows:
     name     age
 1 │ Alice    25
 2 │ Bob      42
 3 │ Charlie  37

Accessing data stored in Tables

Row access

A single row of a Table is just a NamedTuple, which is easy to access.

julia> t[1]
(name = "Alice", age = 25)

Multiple rows can be indexed similarly to standard arrays in Julia:

julia> t[2:3]
Table with 2 columns and 2 rows:
     name     age
 1 │ Bob      42
 2 │ Charlie  37

One can interrogate the length, size or axes of a Table just like any other AbstractArray:

julia> length(t)

julia> size(t)

(Note: the number of columns does not participate in the size.)

Finally, if the backing arrays support mutation, rows can be mutated with setindex!

julia> t[3] = (name = Charlie, name = 38)  # Charlie had a birthday
Table with 2 columns and 3 rows:
     name     age
 1 │ Alice    25
 2 │ Bob      42
 3 │ Charlie  38

Similarly, rows can be added or removed with push!, pop! and so-on.

Column access

A single column can be recovered using Julia's new getproperty syntax using the . operator.

3-element Array{String,1}:

Currently, the simplest way to extract more than one column is to construct a brand new table out of the columns (as in table2 = Table(column1 = table1.column1, column2 = table1.column2, ...)).

The columns of a Table can be accessed directly as a NamedTuple of arrays using the columns function.

julia> columns(t)
(name = ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"], age = [25, 42, 37])

There is a columnnames function for getting the names of the columns:

julia> columnnames(t)
(:name, :age)

Note that the column names are Julia Symbols, which are interned strings tracked by the compiler.

Finally, the values contained in entire columns may be updated using .=, such as t.age .= 0 or t.age .= [26, 43, 38]. Note that skipping the . in .=, such as t.age = [26, 43, 38], will produce an error because the references to the column containers are immutable (if you wish to replace the entire container of a column, you may need to use a FlexTable).

Cell access

From the above, we can see two identical ways to get a cell of data:

julia> t[1].name


While Julia's compiler will elide a lot of unnecessary code, you may find it faster to index individual cells of the table using the second option (to avoid fetching and constructing the entire named tuple of a row as an intermediate step).

Similarly, the value of a cell can be updated via setindex!, for example using the syntax[1] = "Alicia". Note that the syntax t[1].name = "Alicia" will error because you are trying to mutate t[1], which is an immutable copy of the row (completely independent from t).

Comparison with other packages


For those with experience using the DataFrames.jl package, this comparison may be useful:

  • The columns stored in a Table are immutable - you cannot add, remove or rename a column. However, it is very cheap to create a new table with different columns, encouraging a functional programming style to deal with your outer data structure. (See also FlexTable for a more flexible alternative). For comparison, this is a similar approach to IndexedTables and JuliaDB, while DataFrames uses an untyped vector of columns.

  • The columns themselves may be mutable. You may modify the data in one-or-more columns, and add or remove rows as necessary. Thus, operations on the data (not the data structure) can follow an imperative form, if desired.

  • The types of the columns are known to the compiler, making direct operations like iteration of the rows of a Table very fast. The programmer is free to write a combination of low-level for loops, use operations like map, filter, reduce, group or innerjoin, or to use a high-level query interface such as Query.jl - all with the high performance you would expect of a statically compiled language.

  • Conversely, the Julia compiler spends effort tracking the names and types of all the columns of the table. If you have a very large number of columns (many hundreds), Table may not be a suitable data structure (here, DataFrames dynamically sized and typed vector of columns may be more appropriate).

  • Tables can be an array of any dimensionality.

  • Unlike a DataFrame, you cannot access a single cell in a single getindex call (you should first extract a column, and index a cell from that column). Similarly, the number of columns does not participate in the size or length of a Table.

A good litimus test of whether a statically-compiled Table or a dynamic approach like DataFrames is more appropriate, is to see whether the written code tends to refer to the columns by name, or whether the column names are more dynamic (and, for example, iteration over columns is required).